MethrenDox Опубликовано: 31 июля 2024 Опубликовано: 31 июля 2024 Mgio Disney+ reports its first subscriber loss of 2.4M subscribers plans to lay off 7K employees If you, say, have an issue with muscle control, the gloves could, quite liter [url=]air max 1[/url] ally, help you get a grip by pumping air in to help them open and close. One of the things t [url=]black af1s[/url] hat makes the project extra interesting is the use of conductive yarn, which gives the gloves a kind of built-in sense of touch.The glove was created with a system called PneuAct a portmanteaux of pneumatic actuator detailed in a new paper. It utilizes an autonomous machine knitting system. A human designer simply specifies the stitch and sensor design patterns in software to program how the actuator will move, and it can then be simulated before printing, MIT writes. The textile piece is fabricated by the knitting machine, which can be fixed to an inexp [url=]air max plus[/url] ensive, off-the-shelf rubber silicone tube to complete the actuator. Banana fingers are one of a handful of different prototypes created by the lab. The list also includes a standalone soft robotic hand and a quadrupedal robot that uses air pressure t Brdh Berlin s Blacklane raises $26M to expand its high-end chauffeur-driven sustainable car service Many companies struggle to keep a [url=]nb[/url] single source of truth when it comes to corporate policies, project documentation and product roadmaps. Services like Google Docs and Dropbox Paper have partly solved this issue by transforming documents into shareable links.But it s a mess as you have to grant access to the right people, share folders with your team and dig around multiple documents to find what you re looking for.A new category of tools have solved that issue by expanding beyond documents to create a knowledge base for your company. Confluence and Notion are particularly popular among tech companies for instance.Slite wants to bui [url=]sketcher sportschuhe[/url] ld a product that is as simple to use as Google Docs but as powerful as Confluence. Companies with hundreds or thousands of employees should be able to use it without ever feeling lost. [Slite] can be used by literally everyone in the company, by the engineering team of course, but also by the support team, operations team, [url=]wave rider 10 mizuno[/url] marketing team, etc. co-founder a Цитата Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на других сайтах More sharing options...
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