MethrenDox Опубликовано: 31 июля 2024 Опубликовано: 31 июля 2024 Wepi HiddenLayer emerges from stealth to protect AI models from attacks Recorded on October 9, 2011.Paul Carr and Sarah Lacy talk about Chinese I [url=]nike air max270[/url] PO [url=]jordan[/url] and how censo [url=]air max 1[/url] rship effects the Chinese citizens. Tmik Construction rental startup YardLink raises funding from Speedinvest In a spot titled Dongle that takes aim at the easiest possible joke in the smartphone world, Samsung takes Appl [url=]mizuno laufschuhe[/url] e to task for the iPhone for its lack of headphone jack. A conversation ensues between a customer and Genius Bar employee, the term double dongle is coined and the former grimaces like someone ju [url=]green sambas[/url] st explained the plot of Human Centipede to him for the first time. Again, the ad s less about what Samsung has, than what Apple doesn t, but it does appear to reaffirm the company commitment to the headphone jack. Granted, [url=]salomon gtx[/url] we ve seen companies do about-faces on the issue before. The most notable instance is probably Google, who called Apple out one year and dropped the jack the next.But releasing such an openly mocking ad a month or so before dropping the headphone jack would not, as the kids say, be a great look for the company. The inclusion of the port has been a selling point for Samsung ever since Apple dropped it way back in 2016 for the iPhone 6. It s an easy win fo Цитата Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на других сайтах More sharing options...
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