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lllf MoviePass says those cancellation bugs have been fixed


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Sjvl Singapore-based financial admin platform Osome raises $25M Series B
Two of my friends died within the last three years. By some coincidence, both of their birthdays fall in the beginning of July. So, twice this week, Facebook has reminded me to write happy birthday to two people who will never respond.Facebook s algorithms can t comprehend death. All it knows is there was a time when I was often tagged in photos with these people, and that we interacted with each other s posts. If Facebook s algorithm is incentivized to boost engagement, w [url=https://www.airmaxplus.de]air max[/url] hy not get me to [url=https://www.adidasoriginal.it]adidas classic[/url] post on a friend s timeline by reminding m [url=https://www.adidas-originals.es]adidas original campus[/url] e it s their birthday These days, we leave a hefty online footprint. When Jamie died, I coped by combing through our digital detritus. We were both writers, so we wrote to each other often. I scrolled through our iMessage history, mad at myself for setting my messages to auto-delete after a year. I wanted more of this mundanity the granular discussion of grad school applications, the Gossip Girl memes, the screenshots of poems written in the Notes ap Zwiz MyCharge Portable Power Solutions 8211; Hub Series
This comes after Google has been specifica [url=https://www.salomonschuhe.com.de]salomon laufschuhe damen[/url] lly called out for its biases in translate and autocomplete. Back in February, Forbes reported how examples of gender bias in Translate began popping up on social media. So when the model produced one translation, it inadvertently replicated gender biases that already existed, Google Translate Product Manager聽James Kuczmarski wrote on the company blog. For example: it would skew masculine for words like & 8216 trong ; or & 8216;doctor, ; and feminine for other words, like & 8216;nurse ; or & 8216;beau [url=https://www.nbbalance.com.de]new balance damen[/url] tiful. ; Now, Google will offer both feminine and masculine translations for single words when transl [url=https://www.salomons.com.es]salomon speedcross 5[/url] ating from English to French, Italian, Portuguese or Spanish, as well as when translating from Turkish to English. Down the road, Google says it does plan to address non-binary gender in translations. Google will also eventually bring this to its iOS and Android apps, and address gender biases in auto-c

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