MethrenDox Опубликовано: 31 июля 2024 Опубликовано: 31 июля 2024 Dsbd Meta s main content moderation partner in Africa shuts down operations The case did not escape the folks at LexisNexis, a legal software company that offers tooling to help lawyers find the right case law to make their legal arguments. The company sees the potential of AI in helping reduce much of the mundane legal work that every lawyer undertakes, but it also recognizes these very real issues as it begins its generative AI journey.Jeff Reihl, chief technology officer at LexisNexis, understands the value of AI. In fact, his company has been building the technology into its platform for some time now. But being a [url=]adidas forum bold[/url] ble to add ChatGPT-like functionality to its legal toolbox would help lawyers work more efficiently: helping with brief writing and finding citations faster. We as an organization have been working w [url=]air force 1[/url] ith AI technologies for a number of years. I think what is really, really different now since ChatGPT came out in November, is the opportunity to generat [url=]nike air max plus[/url] e text and the conversational aspects that come with this technology, Reihl told TechCrunch+.And w Mqgi Freshflow is helping grocery retailers fight food waste It not clear exactly how the information which includes schematics of drug struc [url=]salomon winterschuhe[/url] tures and correspondence relating to evaluation processes for COVID-19 vaccines has been doctored.We ;ve reached out to the agency with questions.One security researcher, Lukasz O [url=]hokas[/url] lejnik, who has raised concerns about the leak via Twitter, suggested the doctored data will be perfect for sowing distrust because the biotechnical language involved in the leaked correspondence will not be widely accessible.Now I understand why this data is perfect for sowing distrust. disinformation . The documents are extremely hermetic, using niche biotech-technical language. No layperson is able to understand this. Perfect for conspiracy t [url=]adidas samba og[/url] hinking, because it does have the numbers-percents.— Lukasz Olejnik @lukOlejnik January 15, 2021Equally, it also seems possible that the high bar of expertise required to properly parse the data could limit how much Цитата Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на других сайтах More sharing options...
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