MethrenDox Опубликовано: 31 июля 2024 Опубликовано: 31 июля 2024 Oksw NVIDIA s latest tech makes AI voices more expressive and realistic The above makes Nichole Wischoff something of an exception: Her solo venture capital firm Wischoff Ventures closed a second fund of $20 million, a sizable increase from her first $5 million fund. Her target is to invest in 25 to 30 U.S. startups at the pre-seed or seed stage.Wischoff purposely capped her previ [url=]jordan high[/url] ous fund because she was still working full-time until March as a startup operator, she told TechCrunch. Now that she is solely dedicated to her fund, s [url=]adidas originals[/url] he plans to write larger checks of up to $1 million, up from a previous $300,000 cap.This new fund will also be leani [url=]air max 96[/url] ng in heavily on B2B, Wischoff said. I tell people I invest in unsexy businesses! She particularly interested in companies that apply an AI/ML or embedded fintech component to large legacy industries. However, I have a very big soft spot for industrial automation. Everything that makes up the majority of the GDP in the U.S., I am very interested in. Beyond fintechWischo Umnn Remote work and cloud adoption lands 1Password with $620M Series C now valued at $6.8B Pinterest said in June this year that it had about 400 million monthly active users, most of whom are women. But its top executives are all men. Ironically, even though Pinterest markets itself to women as a source of lifestyle inspiration, the company leadership team is male dominated, and gender-biased attitudes are prevalent, the lawsuit says.Brougher alleges in her lawsuit that she was hired with a less favorable equity compensation package than her male peers. She claims that she was also left out of key decision-makin [url=]mizuno running[/url] g by other executives; was subjected to a hostile work environment; and ultimately fired by chief executive officer Ben Silbermann when she spoke up against her treatment.Before joining Pintere [url=]crocs schneestiefel[/url] st in Ma [url=]reebok de[/url] rch 2018, Brougher held executive positions at Square, Google and Charles Schawb. In a Medium post published today, she wrote, I have always been a private person, but I am opening up about my experience because if someone of my privilege and senior Цитата Поделиться сообщением Ссылка на сообщение Поделиться на других сайтах More sharing options...
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