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Missing file with key!


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Missing file with key!

To obtain a file with a key, contact NeoSeo by email license@neoseo.com.ua , with the following:

  • the name of the site where you purchased the module, for example, https://neoseo.com.ua
  • the name of the module that you purchased, for example: NeoSeo Sharing with 1C: Enterprise
  • your username (nickname) on this site, for example, NeoSeo
  • order number on this site, e.g. 355446
  • the main domain of the site for which the key file will be activated, for example, https://neoseo.ua

Put the resulting key file at the root of the site, that is, next to the robots.txt file and click the "Check again" button.


 Новая почта для OpenCart v 2.1.x, 2.3.х
 № 18248

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1 час назад, dewinang сказал:

Missing file with key!

To obtain a file with a key, contact NeoSeo by email license@neoseo.com.ua , with the following:

  • the name of the site where you purchased the module, for example, https://neoseo.com.ua
  • the name of the module that you purchased, for example: NeoSeo Sharing with 1C: Enterprise
  • your username (nickname) on this site, for example, NeoSeo
  • order number on this site, e.g. 355446
  • the main domain of the site for which the key file will be activated, for example, https://neoseo.ua

Put the resulting key file at the root of the site, that is, next to the robots.txt file and click the "Check again" button.


 Новая почта для OpenCart v 2.1.x, 2.3.х
 № 18248

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